
Ms. Heather’s Preschool News

i Sep 11th No Comments by
image of green apple with face

Happy September! A new school year is always exciting! We are delighted to welcome you into the First Steps community!


Our first month will be spent getting to know each other and our routines. We will discuss what it means to be a friend and how we can help each other. We will begin exploring apples this month as well. We have cooking projects and creative activities lined up! 

A few reminders to help your child have a great day! 

  • Please label all personal belongings
  • Comfortable clothes that are easy to pull up or down to make bathrooming easier
  • Rest time items such as a blanket or sleep mat, pillow, favorite stuffy. We will send things home at the end of each week to be laundered.
  • Spare clothes- please make sure there are 2 changes of clothes in your child’s cubby.

We are off to a great start and look forward to an amazing school year!

Thank you for your support!
Heather, Alex and Ashley


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