
Ms. Heather’s October Preschool News

i Oct 4th No Comments by

Hello families!

Happy Fall! October is here and we are looking forward to all the changes that take place around us this month. We continue to spend time outdoors embracing the fall weather. We plan to enjoy many fall activities as the season unfolds. 

We spent our first month together learning about each other, our school community and apples. October is fire prevention month! We will be learning about firemen and the important job they do. Fire drills are a monthly occurrence at First Steps and are a great way to learn what to do in case of an emergency. The Woodstock Fire Department will stop by for a visit with fire trucks and an ambulance. Stay tuned for more details!

Pumpkins and leaves are always exciting topics! Noticing the fall colors, collecting and sorting leaves and using leaves for art projects allow us to bring nature inside. We like to extend our classroom outside and explore as much as possible as well.

Investigating pumpkins; what’s inside, how they grow and what can be made from pumpkins offer many opportunities for learning. 

pumpkin duo graphic

Of  course October brings Halloween! We have so many awesome Halloween activities planned for our classroom. We will have a Halloween parade at First Steps! This is such a fun event! Your child can bring a costume to school and families are welcome to join us as we walk around our neighborhood collecting treats. More details to come as we get closer! 

Our classroom community grows stronger each day. We have loved spending time with your children and watching them take in each new experience. We can’t wait for the adventures that October will bring! 

Happy Autumn! 
Heather, Ashley and Alex


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