
Ms. Michelle’s Pre-K News

i Sep 11th No Comments by

Hi UPK Families,

Welcome back to school! We are so excited to get the school year started and to work with you and your child this school year. We have so many wonderful activities and experiences planned for your child that will help them grow and learn throughout the school year.

During September, we spend a lot of time demonstrating rules, routines and expectations in our classroom. Our room is a safe place for all children and we make sure that each and every child feels this way walking into the room. While the first few weeks of school can be hectic, it is exciting to see how quickly they get into the routine of our school day and the friendships that are formed in the first few days. 

We also learn about transportation this month. We talk about how we each get to school and the different ways we could travel if we were going somewhere far or somewhere very close by. This is also a great time for students to discuss summer vacations before they are not too far a distant memory! We have heard some great stories in the past about airplanes, boats, and trains!  

image of three apples

As September turns into fall, we learn about apples. We are excited to get to taste different apples and compare how they are different and the same from one another. We also learn some great songs about apples and fill our walls with apple crafts and activities to work on fine motor skills. 

We are so excited to start this pre-k year with your child and look forward to the partnership that will make this year a success. 

All our best,

Miss Michelle, Miss Brandi & Miss Helen


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